Saturday, April 23, 2005

911 Nightmare

Imagine that you are robbed at gunpoint, stuffed in the trunk of a car, and are being driven to who knows where. Then, imagine that you realize that you have your cell phone and can call 911. Then, imagine you do call 911 and give the operator as much information as you can. Then, imagine the police determining that your call was a prank. This is the nightmare faced by David Steeves. He was found shot to death in the trunk of his mother's car eight days later. Whether his death could have prevented if his 911 call had been handled properly is unclear. But, I think his family is entitled to an investigation, and for those who screwed up to be held accountable.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That truly is shocking. Something similar happened here a month ago - there was an accident and bystanders call 911 and the trooper says "yeah, too bad?" and hangs up.

Unbelievable that someone would actually say/do that.

4/23/2005 1:03 PM  

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